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    Saturday, 27 February 2010


    Design collective La Bolleur have produced this beautiful minigolf course. Mocoloco report it is on its way to Milan next. Great work.

    Saturday, 20 February 2010


    Just found these extraordinary tactile maps by Inuit travellers. The wood carvings are representations of the East Greenland coastline, designed to be used at night or in low visibility.


    Wednesday, 27 January 2010


    Usually revisiting the music of my youth is not at all appealing. But a Spotify subscription has proved too tempting when it is so easy to search for half-forgotten sounds. In the case of The Cocteau Twins I have had their albums on the iPod - but not all of them, and not the EPs. So it was a joy to hear Those Eyes, That Mouth again, and listen to her newer collaborations with Yann Tiersen.

    Liz Fraser still has the most extraordinary voice, and a visit to reveals she is recording again - great news.

    Tuesday, 5 January 2010


    This clever imagining of Hitchcock film posters is by Matt Needle. Bold and memorable work, (almost) to rival Saul Bass.

    stuff i've won

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