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    Wednesday, 25 February 2009


    It seems like a very long time since I've seen an architectural project with any degree of political content or a committed polemical position. Via BldgBlog comes information about a project by Viktor Ramos of Rice University consisting of a provocative architectural solution to the Palestinian-Israel impasse - a bypass.

    His scheme proposes a series of spaces which weave under- and overground to form what he terms 'The Continuous Enclave'. The scheme reminds me of Lebbeus Woods' work from the 80's, but with a technocratic machine aesthetic in place of the steampunk feel of Woods. Great to see architecture used in this way again.

    More hi-res images are available on Ramos' flickerset.

    1 comment:

    GUGAW said...

    wow this looks great - makes me think of transformers for some reasons!

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    where are you from, caller?

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